
Showing posts from December, 2016

Truth teller and lie detector problems

The key idea of the truth teller identification in competitive exams is to test one's logical ability to answer questions and its usage is increasing day by day, It is the way to test your ability to identify the level truth or lie from many given inferences to draw some conclusion.From the given set of statements by few persons, has to draw a conclusion. Truth teller, Lie Detector.    Types of people in Truth teller and lie detector problems: Liar : A person who always lie. Truth Teller :A person who always says the truth. Alternator: A person whose answers always alters in a step fashion(example: if he say 3 statements, his statements' truthness can be either T, F, T or F, T, F)

Simple Interest aptitude tricks

Well we are all aware of calculating simple interest in our regular life and perhaps many solve this on the go,even though this post is for some one who is trying to figure out how to calculate simple interest for a loan lend or borrowed. Terms: Simple Interest(SI):Cash to be paid for using other's money. Principal(P): Amount lend or Amount borrowed.