prime numbers

Prime numbers in Mathematics have a great property that they are divisible ONLY by '1' and by itself. Traditional method to check whether a given number is prime number or not: Check for the divisibility test for each and every number from 1-number but that is the worst strategy to solve problems based on prime numbers in aptitude. Moderate method suggested to check for the Divisibility test for each and every prime or odd number from 1 to √(number) and this reduced some complexity in solving these problems. Even this method failed to minimize the computation and thus a great concept of Prime Series came into existence which generalized the form of a prime number. Generalized form of Prime number: 6*K ± 1 (K is a natural number) "Every prime number is in the form of 6*K ± 1 " but not every 6*K ± 1 is Prime number. To prove the above statement, We can define each and every integer as (6*k-3) :Divisible by 3 (6*k-2) :Divisible by 2 (6*k-1) (6*k+0) :Div...