Tricks and techniques to find square of a number with in seconds?

Solving aptitude and trying to do fast math? you are here at the correct place then. this post enables you to solve square of a number within a few seconds when results are observed practically, the average time taken to find squares of 10 random numbers is 103 seconds. Before going into the topic, let me tell my experience, it was a typical day in our college and that was a boring lecture and all the students were busy trying to listen the class, there begins the actual story my friend who is aiming to crack the CAT exam and get a seat in one of the reputed MBA school was doing some rough work at the end of his notes. he then told me the importance of fast math in the competitive exams and how it reduces the solving time from minutes to seconds in many cases. being curious about the fast math, I have searched a lot to find the squares of the numbers and found many techniques after watching youtube videos, referring some books, blogs... but it was a big question mark w...