
Numbers and number systems

In this post let us clearly know about the classification of the number system.before classifying numbers let us know about numbers and number systems.  what is a number? =>A number can be defined as a group of digits which have some value. what is a number system? =>The systematic way in which numbers are organized

Rivers Boats and streams

In Boats and stream based problems,we need to calculate either speed or time to reach some point either upstream or downstream. In water,the direction of the flow is downstream and opposite direction is upstream.

Work time efficiency based problem tips

One of the important topics in aptitude solving is work-time-efficiency based problems but we should be able to manage time which is possible by solving more and more problems. Important points to remember: If A can finish work in m minutes and B can finish the same work in n minutes then both

Partnership based problems

Two or more people doing business with the shared pool of resources and shared return on investment refers to Partnership and the one who invested can be considered as a partner. There are many types of partners: Active partner: The partner who manages the business. Sleeping partner: The partner who just invests and doesn't work.

Age based probems and tips

Aptitude solving also comprises of few problems based on age calculation, they are normal but the sentences used there makes it look as if it is complex. The main parts of Age based problems are  Present age

Clock Based tips

Aptitude problems based on clocks can be generally 2 types Angle based problems Incorrect clocks Basic rules: For Angle based problems : Every hour, Hour hand and minute hand co-incides only once

Recurring decimal tricks

Here are few tricks for Recurring decimals........... Recurrence can be defined as reoccurrence of same thing. to solve recurring decimals problems,we need to follow few basics. Trick 1:(0.ab....) Let N be a number with 'n' digits in it , and M be another 'n' digit number which has all 9's then  N/M produces a number 0.NNNNNNNNN.................... e.x: 12/99=0.1212........ e.x:1234/99999=0.12341234.......... e.x: 8567/9999=0.85678567........ Trick 2:(0.abbb...........)  0.abbbbbbbb.........  is equivalent to (ab-a)/90