Logarithm quantative aptitude question and answers

Logarithms have a wide range of applications in solving problems which are based not only on logarithms but also on the problems like finding the bigger number of 2^51 and 5^30. Logarithms also have many other applications which when used gives an immense sense of its usage. Logarithms What is a Logarithm? A Logarithm is a quantity which represents the rise of it in terms of another number (base) How it was derived, is there any formula to get logarithmic values? Yes, there is a series called logarithmic series which will generate value of the logarithms The main terms which one should be more familiar with before solving logarithmic problems are Exponent: Power of a number. Base: The number to reduce another number when log is applied. Some Basic Logarithmic formula: log ab = log a + log b log a/b = log a - log b log(a^b) = b*log(a) log a b = 1/log b a log b n = log e n/log e b log 10 n = log e n/log e 10 = log e n *(0.43429448..) Tool to find logarith...