
Showing posts with the label aptitude

Aptitude formulas pdf

After investing some time in the preparation, it's not uncommon to realize that it would be better if we make our own notes which we can refer while revising these topics before the exam. In order to make this procedure simple, I have come up with this post. 1) Ratios and proportions: If a certain amount N is divided among A, B in a ratio a:b then A's share is a/(a+b) * N and B's share is b/(a+b) *N If A:B = a:b and B:C = c:d then A:C = a*c : b*d If A:B = p:q, B:C = r:s, C:D = t:u then A:D = A/D = (A/B) * (B/C) * (C/D)    If a quantity is increased by a/b then the new content becomes (a+b)/b If a quantity is decreased by a/b then the new content becomes (b-a)/b To reduce your computations, it is always recommended to remember these values in terms of percentages 1/1 = 100 % 1/2 = 50 % 1/3 = 33.33 %   1/4 = 25 % 1/5 = 20 % 1/6 = 16.66 % 1/7 = 14.28 %       1/13 = 7.6% 1/8 = 12.25 %       1/12 = 8.33% 1/9 = 11.11 % ...

aptitude test free online

Preparing for any aptitude test without practicing or taking mock tests could be risky especially in this digital era it is not at all recommended to take a test without taking a few mock or practice test.  But how to take the mock tests for free without paying even a single penny? well, the purpose of this article is to help you with the best suitable sites to practice for your test. There is a saying "promises are promises, Excuses are Excuses but only performance is the Reality" and this is what is applicable while selecting a good test among the various sites. many tests promise that they offer a great set of questions as well as experience but most of them end up with some excuses while only few will remain with a good performance and quality papers and our focus is on these sites. Aptitude websites list which provides free aptitude test and papers of many companies as well as tests: Geeksforgeeks : It is one of the best websites which provides st...

Logarithm quantative aptitude question and answers

Logarithms have a wide range of applications in solving problems which are based not only on logarithms but also on the problems like finding the bigger number of 2^51 and 5^30. Logarithms also have many other applications which when used gives an immense sense of its usage. Logarithms What is a Logarithm? A Logarithm is a quantity which represents the rise of it in terms of another number (base) How it was derived, is there any formula to get logarithmic values? Yes, there is a series called logarithmic series which will generate value of the logarithms The main terms which one should be more familiar with before solving logarithmic problems are Exponent: Power of a number. Base: The number to reduce another number when log is applied. Some Basic Logarithmic formula: log ab = log a + log b log a/b = log a - log b log(a^b) = b*log(a) log a b = 1/log b a log b n = log e n/log e b log 10 n = log e n/log e 10 = log e n *(0.43429448..) Tool to find logarith...

Problems on trains aptitude tricks

Voila, you are here! Problems on trains in aptitude problems are not just to test your ability to solve the problems on trains and their properties but you can logically resolve many theories using this concept and this is one of the important part while learning aptitude. Conversions: A Kilometer/Hour = A(5//18) meter/second. A meter/second = A(18/5) Kilometer/Hour. Foundation: Time taken by a train of length 'l' units to cross a fixed point or pole is equal to the time taken by the train to travel 'l' units. Time taken by a train of length 'l' units to cross a  stationery object of length 'm' units units is equal to the time taken by the train to travel 'l+m' units. Suppose 2 trains are moving in the same direction with speeds U , V where U > V then their relative speed is U - V .

Work time efficiency based problem tips

One of the important topics in aptitude solving is work-time-efficiency based problems but we should be able to manage time which is possible by solving more and more problems. Important points to remember: If A can finish work in m minutes and B can finish the same work in n minutes then both

Partnership based problems

Two or more people doing business with the shared pool of resources and shared return on investment refers to Partnership and the one who invested can be considered as a partner. There are many types of partners: Active partner: The partner who manages the business. Sleeping partner: The partner who just invests and doesn't work.

Age based probems and tips

Aptitude solving also comprises of few problems based on age calculation, they are normal but the sentences used there makes it look as if it is complex. The main parts of Age based problems are  Present age

Clock Based tips

Aptitude problems based on clocks can be generally 2 types Angle based problems Incorrect clocks Basic rules: For Angle based problems : Every hour, Hour hand and minute hand co-incides only once

Recurring decimal tricks

Here are few tricks for Recurring decimals........... Recurrence can be defined as reoccurrence of same thing. to solve recurring decimals problems,we need to follow few basics. Trick 1:(0.ab....) Let N be a number with 'n' digits in it , and M be another 'n' digit number which has all 9's then  N/M produces a number 0.NNNNNNNNN.................... e.x: 12/99=0.1212........ e.x:1234/99999=0.12341234.......... e.x: 8567/9999=0.85678567........ Trick 2:(0.abbb...........)  0.abbbbbbbb.........  is equivalent to (ab-a)/90

Calendar problems solving tips without any formula

If you keenly observe the calendar, if today is Wednesday same date of the next year will be Thursday (if there is no Feb 29 in between) and Friday(if Feb 29 comes) but what if someone asks you to find the day of a given random date? I have found many people asking calendar problems formula. there is no need for any formula as you can do it all by yourself with calendar problem aptitude tricks.  So here is a simple procedure with which you can simply find the day of a given date. Before learning the complete procedure, let me introduce a few basic terms required to solve these type of problems. Calendars are prepared based on the earth's orbit around the sun and it is designed it in a way that every orbit is equivalent to 1 year. with some fraction of the day left out for a year and this fraction is adjusted with the help of leap days. Most of the people think that every 4th year is a leap year but this is not true if one considers every 4th yea...

Basics: Divisibility test

Many problems in Aptitude solving can be done in seconds if you can apply these rules for divisibility test. Divisible by:                Rule 2                                   last digit is even(0,2,4,6,8) 3 -                                 sum of all the digits is divisible by 3 4                                   last 2 digits should be divisible by 4 5                                   the last digit is either 0 or 5